Solar Pool Heater


Solar Pool Heater Technology Example of a solar pool heating system.  This diagram shows the path pool water would travel as it goes through a solar pool heating system.  The water exiting the pool goes through a strainer, then is pumped through a filter, through the collector, through a conventional pool heater (if you have one), and back into the pool.  This system also includes a check valve, a flow control valve, and temperature sensors.


Solar Pool Heating is one of the simplest and the most cost-effective use of solar energy. You can significantly ensure warmer pool temperature with no monthly heating bills.
By installing the Solar Pool Heater, you can enjoy free heating for your pool, and is proven to be the most cost effective way to heat your pool, you only have to look up to realize the primary benefit of solar heat - it's free heat from the sun!  With uncertainty and rising costs in the power markets, the price for solar will not change. It will be free for life.
. Most solar pool heating systems include the following:


solar pool heating plumbing connections



How it works?


Pool water is pumped using your existing pool pump The sun's rays heat the water in the panels (solar collectors) then the heated water is returned to your pool,  the collector(s) can also be used to cool the pool during peak summer months by circulating the water through the collector(s) at night.
An illustration of a solar panel. A tube is at each end of the panel, and arrows show the flow going through one tube, across the panel, and out the end of the other tube, which is labeled the header/manifold.           Panel cross-section

Some systems include sensors and an automatic or manual valve to divert water through the collector(s) when the collector temperature is sufficiently greater than the pool temperature. When the collector temperature is similar to the pool temperature, filtered water simply bypasses the collector(s) and is returned to the pool.

Enersol panels on a roof


Solar Pool Heater System Types

Solar pool collectors are made out of different materials (Glazed/Unglazed Collectors), the unglazed solar pool heating collectors are ideal at our region climate.  Unglazed collectors are generally made of heavy-duty rubber or plastic treated with an ultraviolet (UV) light inhibitor to extend the life of the panels. These unglazed systems can even work for indoor pools in cold climates if the system is designed to drain back to the pool when not in use.


Selecting a Solar Pool Heater

An unglazed solar pool heating system usually costs between $3,000 and $4,000 to buy and install. This provides a payback of between 1.5 and 7 years, depending on your local fuel costs. They also typically last longer than gas and heat pump pool heaters. Your actual cost and payback depend on many factors. Therefore, before you purchase and install a solar pool heating system, you should do the following:


Installation and Maintenance

The proper installation of a solar pool heating system depends on many factors. These factors include solar resource, climate, local building code requirements, and safety issues. Therefore, it's best to have a qualified solar thermal systems contractor install your system.

After installation, properly maintaining your system will keep it running smoothly for 10–20 years. Consult your contractor and read your owner's manual for maintenance requirements. Your collector should require little maintenance if the pool's chemical balance and filtering system are checked regularly. Glazed collectors may need to be cleaned in dry climates where rainwater doesn't provide a natural rinse.


Solar Pool Heater Benefits


System Sizing


A. Determine the pool surface area in Square Feet:

Measure the overall length and width of the pool. Refer to Table 1 for Shape Multipliers.
Overall Length _____Ft   X   Overall Width _____Ft   X   Shape Multiplier _____ =  (A). _____ SqFt
(Alternate method: Pool Gallons / 7.48 / Average Depth = Pool SqFt)

Table 1












B. Where will the panels be installed?

Check the orientation of the roof area with a compass, refer to Table 2 and select an Orientation Multiplier. Solar panels can face up to 30° East or West of True South for optimum efficiency. Panels cannot face in a northerly direction, unless supported by a rack to elevate the system towards south.

Table 2



South Facing


East or West Facing





(B). _______


C. Is the pool shaded?

Determine the percentage of shade on the entire pool during the Solar Day (9 am - 5 pm), refer to Table 3 and select a Shade Multiplier. If only a portion of the pool is shaded for part of the solar day, then a Shade Multiplier should be extrapolated from the table (i.e. 50% of the pool shaded for 50% (4 hours) of the solar day equals 25% or a multiplier of 1.10). Indoor pools should use 100% shade multiplier.


Table 3




No Shade from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


25% Shade


50% Shade


75% Shade


100% Shade



(C). _______


D. Does the pool have a screen enclosure?

If the pool has a screen enclosure, use a Screen Multiplier of 1.25
If the pool does not have a screen enclosure, use a Multiplier of 1.0

(D). _______


E. Determine the Sizing Factor for your Region and Pool Season desired, from the Table 4 below. For areas other than Florida, refer to the Solar Insolation Map for the correct Sizing Factor.

(E). _______



Table 4

Region 9 - 10 Month 11 - 12 Month

North Florida



Central Florida



South Florida




F. Multiply (A) X (B) X (C) X (D) X (E) to get the required square footage of solar panels. Measure the area where the panels will be installed to determine which size panel will fit. Determine the number of panels required below (round to nearest whole number):

(F). _______
Sq. footage (F) from above: _______

div. by 32 = ___ 4Ft X 8Ft Panels
or div. by 40 = ___ 4Ft X 10Ft Panels
or div. by 48 = ___ 4Ft X 12Ft Panels
Some roof configurations may require combining several sizes of panels to achieve the total square footage. See the Solar Pool Heater
Installation Manual for details.
Sizing guidelines assume use of a pool cover when night time temperatures are below 60 degrees. If a cover is not used during these conditions, the system must be over-sized by 75 to 100%. For
assistance with proper sizing or design,



Enersol system diagram




